This Week's Memory Verses


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
(Genesis 1:1, NKJV)


“Then he went down to Nazareth . . . and was obedient.”
(Luke 2:51, NIV)


“God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right”
(Acts 10:34, 35)

The Latest Stories

Aunt Ruby Can’t Hear

Uncle Rollo tried to hug all three of them at once. Mac smiled up at him. She hadn’t seen her great-uncle Rollo since she was five years old, but she remembered his thick black glasses and his kind eyes....

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Gift Tree

Solomon Nassim El-Charif made a face as he looked at a store display brimming with handkerchiefs in fancy boxes, after-shave in fancy bottles, and ties with fancy designs. “For Dad!” the cheerful sign said in big red and green...

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Do a Puzzle!

Can you unscramble the puzzle from this week’s lesson?

Play a Game!

Current Prayer Requests

My mom and I have really been sick and we are needing God’s powerful healing and strength. Please pray for us.–Julie

Please pray for my friend Elizabette, who is currently going through a tough situation.–Julie

Please pray for a 2 – year-old in California that got run over by a lawnmower. She is still alive in the children’s hospital.—AbbyP

lease pray for Leelee, Daquanna and Corduia. Please pray it is urgent. Please pray for their family members. Thank you very much.–Sherrie

I am going to grade 5 in September, and I know that grade 5 work is really HARD. Can you please pray for me so I can improve in all my subjects, especially mathematics? Also pray for my mother to give her heart to the Lord.–Kadijha

For Parents

Find out what Primary Treasure and Our Little Friend can do for your children.

For Teachers

Add this take-home magazine to your children’s ministry for a blessing that lasts all week.

Write a story that will build character and bring children closer to Jesus.

This weekly, 16-page magazine focuses on developing a child’s relationship with Jesus. Children, ages 6-9, learn about God’s love through stories, Bible lessons, activities, and a devotional thought.

Colorful pictures, engaging stories, memory verses, and fun activities help children ages 1 – 6 as they learn the principles behind the kindergarten and beginner Bible lessons.