Prayer Requests

Hey Kids!

Each week on this page I will give you a different way to pray. Trying new ways to pray will help you feel closer to God and help you stay focused.

 Look in the church bulletin or newsletter for prayer requests. Pray together as a family for those requests.

 Please keep sending in your praises and prayer requests. Tell me what you want me and all the primary kids who read this page to pray about OR tell us about a prayer that God answered. Each time you go to this page, please pray for the requests that you read. Below are some recent requests.—Mrs. Seymour

Current Prayer Requests

I am going to grade 5 in September, and I know that grade 5 work is really HARD. Can you please pray for me so I can improve in all my subjects, especially mathematics? Also pray for my mother to give her heart to the Lord.–Kadijha

We are a homeschooling family and we are experiencing some hardships. and we are considering putting our daughter into the public school system. We need alot of prayer to make the right decision, as well as prayers that our faith may be increased through our trials — Liz

Please pray for my grandpa who has cancer.—Charity

Send Your Prayer Request
We share every prayer request with our online community.