Archive for Author: Admin

Missing Mabel

Joseph Anderson Donetti opened his eyes. What was that noise? The morning sunshine poured in through the bedroom window. The soft summer air moved the curtains gently. Joseph sat up. He listened carefully. What was it that woke him up? It sounded like crying!

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Shopping for the Homeless Man

“Why is that man sitting on the ground with that sign?” Joseph asked, looking out the truck window. He peered at the black letters printed on the piece of cardboard the man held up.

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Wearing God’s Name

Pastor Chuck looked around at the class. “I see we have a visitor this morning,” he said. “Trevor, is that a friend of yours? Would you like to introduce him?”

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Mac’s Perfect Idea

She loved springtime! She wondered if she should lie in bed for a while longer just because she didn’t have to go to school, or whether she should get up right away because there were so many interesting things she could do today.

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 Hannah Maria Estevez saw the UPS truck turn into the driveway and stop. “Mama! The package man is here!” she called excitedly. Hannah hurried to open the front door. She had a pretty good idea the package was for her.

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Trevor’s Most Important Decision

 Trevor Paul Monroe stared out the big window in the living room. He stood so close to the window that his breath fogged up the glass, so he moved a little farther to the right. Where was Grandpa?

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The Teddy Bear Emergency

Hannah Maria Estevez slowly followed her father down the sidewalk. She stopped to look in the window of the bridal shop they were passing. Such beautiful dresses! Dresses just like princesses would wear.

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