Archive for Category: Story

Planting New Life

“I’ll help!” Luke Farmer cried. Solly grinned as he watched his four-year-old neighbor grab the edge of the wheel-barrow and “help.”

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God’s Will

“Mac and Joseph wrote to us!” Susannah breathlessly handed her brother his letter and took the rest inside to her mother.

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A Sabbath School Field Trip

Solomon Nassim El-Charif bobbed his sock-covered hand up and down and said in a high, silly voice, “Hey, everybody, my name is Mr. Sheep, and I am going to visit a sheep farm! Baa, baa!”

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Michael Arthur Patterson was thinking so hard he didn’t hear his dad come into the room. He jumped when Dad said his name.

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Carrying Burdens

A flash of red caught Susannah’s attention and she turned her head. A tiny, old woman no larger than Susannah was stepping down from the curb to cross the street.

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Solly’s Plan

Solomon Nassim El-Charif had a plan. He had first hatched his plan during Sabbath School. When the primaries had walked into class last Sabbath, their eyes had opened wide in surprise.

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Meeting the King

Kenya Jayne Washington jiggled with excitement. It was Thirteenth Sabbath, and the Primary class was in an uproar.

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The World’s Greatest Grandma

It seemed G. M. was a funny grandma. G.M. had taken Joseph and his friends to a show where they all got to paint to music, and more paint had ended up on the painters than on the paper! Susannah laughed out loud at one photo of Mac and Trevor with purple eyebrows and orange-spattered grins.

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