Archive for Category: Story

The Book Report Prayer—1

Joseph Anderson Donetti felt like shouting. Instead, he took a deep breath and began softly, “I don’t want to belong to a book club! I don’t want to give book reports in front of perfect strangers!”

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Tempted to Steal

MacKenzie Isabelle Evans skipped ahead of her mother to the big glass door of the toy store. “Can I look in the art aisle for a while?” she asked over her shoulder. “Please?”

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Good Disappointment

Hannah Maria Estevez clenched her fists. Hot tears of disappointment burned behind her eyeballs, and she blinked to keep the tears from spilling out.

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Mac’s Fancy Banquet

MacKenzie Isabelle Evans looked up from her Primary Treasure. “What exactly is a banquet anyway?” she asked. “I mean, I sort of know, but not really.”

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Just Like Queen Esther

Mac slowly entered the living room again. She was a sight to behold. Her long purple dress-up dress rustled as she walked slowly across the carpet. A veil of filmy pink chiffon fabric covered her face and was held in place by a gold cardboard crown. Rows of beads from the dress-up box circled her neck, and the sparkly silver slippers on her feet completed her outfit. “I’m Queen Esther!” Mac announced, twirling in front of Mom. “Do you think I’m beautiful?”

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Trevor Is a Godsend

Trevor Paul Monroe opened his eyes. He was wide awake and full of energy. How strange to be absolutely asleep one minute and completely awake the next!

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Thanksgiving in July?

Hannah raised her hand. “Can we do something special? I mean, since our class is in charge of the potluck, could we do something so people would think it was extra special?”

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Blind for a Day

Hannah Maria Estevez was dreaming. A giant fly buzzed around and around her head. She took aim and swatted at it. Hannah Maria Estevez hit herself in the nose. She abruptly woke up!

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Trevor’s Friendly Choice

“Remember to be polite!” Mom called from the kitchen. “Make sure it’s convenient for you to go over to Joseph’s this morning. Joseph and G.M. (Grandma Maddie) may already have other plans.”

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A Great, Great Story

Joseph Anderson Donetti sighed and rolled over in bed. He cracked one eye and peeked at the summer sunshine spilling around the edges of the window shades into his bedroom. He yawned and stretched mightily.

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