Archive for Category: Story

On the Loose Again

Mackenzie Isabelle Evans glanced out the window. “Oh, no!” Mac cried, “Molly’s running down the street! I better go catch her!”

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Guide Dog Puppies

Joseph Anderson Donetti and MacKenzie Isabelle Evans stared out the car windows. “J!” Mac shrieked. “On that license plate over there!” “I can’t find one!” Joseph complained. “Js are hard.” “There’s a J,” Mr. Evans, Mac’s dad, said, pointing.

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Taking Jesus to Mrs. Robertson

As Mac watched, Mom rummaged in a drawer for a piece of paper and a pen. She scribbled something down. Mac listened as she repeated a phone number back to the person on the other end of the telephone line. “OK,” Mom said. “I’ll go over there and get things ready. I’ll call you back in a little while.” She hung up. “What’s the matter?” Mac asked quickly.

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The Secret Servant

Trevor rolled over on his back and stared at the ceiling. He liked the idea of being a great man. A great man who rode to work every day in a long black limousine with dark, tinted windows.

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A Lap Full of Ice Cream

“What? You want to walk over to the drug store and have ice cream cones now?” Mom asked, her eyebrows raised. “In this rain?” She glanced at the fat raindrops chasing each other down the kitchen windows.

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A Party to Remember

By Linda Porter Carlyle MacKenzie Isabelle Evans stuck her finger in the chocolate frosting and licked it. “Stop that!” Mom said. “I had to taste it!” Mac protested. “You can’t put frosting on a cake until you’re sure it tastes right!” Mom looked at her. Her eyes twinkled. “How true,” she said. “You might accidentally

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An Early Christmas Gift

Hannah Maria Estevez didn’t even hear Mama come into the bedroom. She jumped when Mama touched her shoulder. “You need to turn your music down,” Mama said. “I just put Baby Paulo in his crib for a nap.”

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What to Give Mama?

Hannah Maria Estevez clutched her purse in her hand and followed Papa down the aisle. She walked very slowly because there was so much to see. Glittery Christmas decorations. Shelves and shelves of fascinating things for sale. And interesting people everywhere.

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The Zechariah Experiment

Joseph Anderson Donetti’seyes sparkled. Talk about a perfect idea! He tucked his Primary Treasure into his Bible and set them down beside the big overstuffed chair. Pastor Chuck would be proud of him!

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