Archive for Author: Admin


When Louise came back, Miss Carol grabbed her arm. “Something awful has happened!” she whispered. “There are two artifacts missing from one of the bedrooms upstairs!”

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Mighty Volunteers

Mrs. Evans studied her daughter’s outfit. The long-sleeved light blue dress with tiny white flowers buttoned up the back. The long, full skirt hung almost to her ankles. “I think you look perfect!” she said. “You look like you just stepped out of the year 1911.”

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What Is Beekman House?

Joseph Anderson Donetti heard her coming all the way across the yard. He peeked through the window, and then he hurried to open the back door. Mac was running so fast, he was afraid she couldn’t stop to knock.

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The Sunshine Yellow Problem

Joseph Anderson Donetti stared at Mac. “That’s the worst idea you’ve ever had!” he exclaimed. “One ‘Sunshine Yellow’ wall? One red wall? One white wall? And one green wall? It would be the ugliest Mother’s Room on the face of the earth!”

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The Yellow Paint Mystery

MacKenzie Isabelle Evans was the first one out of the car. She slammed the door and stood tapping her foot as Joseph and Trevor climbed out of the backseat. “You guys are slow as slugs,” she commented.

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Smoggy People

“You’d probably rather be outside messing around,” Trevor said. “I know I would!” He gazed longingly at the brilliant sunshine streaming through the big studio windows. “I have to help you because G.M. thinks I don’t suffer enough since I am home-schooled,” Joseph said. “I don’t have all those deadlines and stuff like regular school kids.”

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Hannah Needs Money

Hannah Maria Estevez watched Mama open her purse. “I was sure I had everything I needed to fix supper,” Mama said. “But when I looked just now, I found out we don’t have enough rice. And I promised Papa I would make him Cuban rice tonight.” Hannah grinned at the thought of having Cuban rice with no rice. Nope. That wouldn’t work, for sure.

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Car Attack!

MacKenzie Isabelle Evans shuffled wildly through the papers on her desk. Where was that list? It wasn’t in her binder. It wasn’t stuck between the pages of her spelling book. It didn’t seem to be anywhere at all. “Mom!” Mac wailed. “I can’t find it!”

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