Archive for Author: Admin

Sheep in Sabbath School

“So now we’ll go outside, and Mrs. Benson will show us the sheep she brought along with her to church today,” Pastor Chuck said. He grinned. “I know that we are all used to seeing sheep from a distance. We see them grazing in pastures as we zip by on the road,” he went on. “But I thought it would be fun—since our Sabbath School lesson is about sheep—to have Mrs. Benson come talk to us and let us actually meet a sheep.”

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Trevor’s Brilliant Idea

Trevor Paul Monroe had an idea. It was such a brilliant idea that even he was dazzled by it. He needed permission for one little part of it though.

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Trevor Paul Monroe got up on the wrong side of the bed. Actually, it was the same side he always got up on, but that’s what Mom said when he wandered into the kitchen with a big frown on his face.

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Prayer for Melissa

MacKenzie Isabelle Evans yanked the car door open and flopped onto the back seat. She slammed the door shut. “I can’t stand that Melissa Gibson!” she exclaimed as she fumbled for the seat belt.

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Mac Is a Blessing

MacKenzie Isabelle Evans walked down the sidewalk pulling her old red wagon behind her. Which meant it must be Tuesday afternoon, because Tuesday afternoon was Mac’s going-to-the-market-for-Miss-Hazel-and-Miss-Minerva afternoon.

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Cows and Questions

The bedroom was dark, and cold, and quiet. She wondered if it were still night. She turned her head and looked at the clock that sat on the old desk near her bed. The green numbers read 5:31. The 1 on the end turned into a 2 as she watched.

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Aunt Ruby Can’t Hear

Mac sighed. She loved going places, but sometimes she wished the getting there part could be quicker. Maybe someday she would be able to travel everywhere in an airplane. She was certain that every moment of an airplane ride must be absolutely fascinating.

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Gift Tree

Solomon Nassim El-Charif made a face as he looked at a store display brimming with handkerchiefs in fancy boxes, after-shave in fancy bottles, and ties with fancy designs. “For Dad!” the cheerful sign said in big red and green letters.

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Lost in the Dark

“Mike? Where are you?” she called into the darkness. She hoped she didn’t sound nervous. There was only one thing she didn’t like about this place, and she’d always kept it a secret. “Turn the light on!”

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